Welcome to the Tri-Lakes Protective Association Webpage

tri-lakes-1The Tri-Lakes Protective Association has been meeting, in one form or another, since parcels of shore-land on lakes Hammill, Samoset and Wilipyro were first purchased from the Rust Timber Company in the first part of the 20th century. All property owners on these three lakes are eligible for membership.

Annual Meeting & Potluck Picnic

Our annual meeting and picnic is held on the 2nd Saturday of August each year in the Drummond Town Park. All Tri-Lakes property owners are invited to attend. The meeting starts at 11 am, with the pot-luck picnic following at noon. Bring the kids! The after lunch speaker this year is DNR water resources specialist John Spangberg, who will discuss the short term and long term implication of the low water levels of our lakes.

Contact Information

Current President: Eileen Furlong
eMail current president

About our TLPA Webpage

Welcome to our latest service to our TLPA members! We would like your help in making this a great source of information and fun. Submit your lake-related photos [jpegs], old and new. We would also like to receive [in MS Word format] your lake histories, tall tales, writings on lake issues, poems, recipes. . . anything about our shared lake experience. All submissions will be considered for posting. E-mail to Eileen Furlong at furlo002@umn.edu

This Webpage is provided free to members of the TLPA by the Bayfield County Lakes Forum

Be sure to check out all the newsletter articles on BayfieldCountyLakes.org


July 18, 2006 Frank Koshere, aquatic plant expert from WI DNR, toured all three lakes and identified the aquatic plants in each. The list consists of the lake (H=Hammill, S=Samoset, W=Wilipyro), the common name and the scientific (Latin) name of each plant. In some cases the exact species could not be determined and these are noted as (V?). It is interesting to see how different the plant communities are. Not surprising because the three lakes are quite different in bottom composition, depth, temperature and clarity. Frank said there are no problems and the broadleaf pondweed density is cyclical. Rules allow hand removal from shore to open water up to 30’ wide for access. He said you should never remove the rushes as they are prime spawning areas. If in doubt of what you can and cannot do, contact Frank at Frank.Koshere@dnr.wi.us Thanks to Deb Krauss, Dolores Brimhall, Ken Clark, Roger Dreher and Joe Brady for their pontoon boats and local information. The following record was submitted by Roger Dreher.

Click on the arrows to sort columns

Lakes: H=Hammill, S=Samoset, W=WilipyroCommon NameLatin Name
WWater ShieldBrasenia sherberi
SThree way sedge Dulichium arundinaceum
SNeedle spikerushEleocharis acicularis
H,S,WCreeping SpikerushEleocharis palustris
WCommon waterweed Elodeda candensis (V?)
SWaterwortElatine minima
H,SBrown-fruited rushJuncus pelocarpus
S,WSmall watermilfoilMyriophyllum alterniflorum
H,WDwarf milfoilMyriophyllum tenellum
WYellow pond lilyNufar advena
WWhite pond lilyNymphaea tuberose
H,S,WLarge leaf pondweed Potamogeton amplifolius BEST for fish!
S,WRibbon-leaf pondweedPotamogeton epihydrus
H,WFine leafed pondweedPotamogeton ??? (V?)
WFloating-leaf pondweedPotamogeton natans
SCreeping spearwortRanuculus flammula
H,SGrass-leaved arrowheadSagittaria graminea
WSoftstem bulrush Schenoplectus validus (new name)
H,S,W,FFloating-leaf burweed Sparganium fluctuans
S,W Narrow leaf cattail Typha angustifolia
H,S Broad leaved cattail Typha latifolia
H,WWild celeryVallisneria americana Ducks love it!

Breakdown by occurrence:

H 9 total species H only: 0 H + S: 3 H+W: 3 In all three: 3
S 13 total species S only: 4 S + H: 3 S + W: 3 In all three: 3
W 15 total species W only: 6 W + H: 3 W + S: 3 In all three: 3
If you want to know more about these plants and their role in the aquatic ecosystem, buy this book from the Wisconsin Association of Lakes [wisconsinlakes.org] (also available in local libraries) Through the Looking Glass-A Field
Guide to Aquatic Plants ISBN 0-932310-32-x DNR Publication #FH-207-98