Transportation of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)


This resolution was approved by BCLF, adopted by the County Board and resulted in the new ordinance (posted on It also resulted in 7 neighboring counties following our lead and inspired the Wisconsin Legislature to pass a statewide no transport law.

WHEREAS, protecting the water quality of Bayfield County’s lakes, rivers, and streams (including Lake Superior) is extremely important as it has the potential to affect not only our surface waters but also groundwater resources, recreational use and shoreland property values, and

WHEREAS, Eurasian Water Milfoil and other aquatic invasive species are infesting Bayfield County lakes and streams at an alarming rate, and

WHEREAS, said infestations dramatically impact recreational use of our waters, the fishery and overall water quality, and

WHEREAS,  clean, healthy lakes and streams are important to Bayfield County’s tourism and economy, and

WHEREAS, water bodies infested with Eurasian Water Milfoil and other aquatic invasive species can experience a significant decline in shoreland property values, and

WHEREAS, the primary means of infestation is by transporting Eurasian Water Milfoil and other aquatic invasive species by boaters, and

WHEREAS, the current Wisconsin regulations regarding transport of Eurasian Water Milfoil and other aquatic invasive species address only the act of launching a boat carrying Eurasian Water Milfoil and/or other aquatic invasive species but fail to regulate the transportation of Eurasian Water Milfoil and other aquatic invasive species, and

WHEREAS, regulation of transportation of aquatic invasive species in Minnesota counties has been very successful in reducing their spread of Eurasian Water Milfoil and other aquatic invasive species, and

WHEREAS, Bayfield County can better protect property values, recreational use and overall water quality by requiring all boaters to not transport any Eurasian Water Milfoil and other aquatic invasive species, in or on any boat, trailer or boating equipment.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Lakes Forum, Inc., supports the implementation of a countywide prohibition of the transportation of Eurasian Water Milfoil and/or other aquatic invasive species on any Bayfield County road or highway.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Lakes Forum, Inc., recommends that this prohibition be enforced by significant fines or penalties.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be provided to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Stefania Strzalkowska, Bayfield County AIS Project Coordinator, WI DNR Secretary, Scott Hassett, WI DATCP Secretary Rod Nilsestuen, Governor Jim Doyle, Senator Bob Jauch, State Representative Gary Sherman and other members of the Wisconsin Legislature.

Approved unanimously on March 13, 2007 by the Bayfield County Lakes Forum Board of Directors.

Jim Brakken, President                                                  Bruce Lindgren, Secretary