
Bayfield County Lakes Forum Annual Meeting notes and BoD Meeting minutes July 17, 2008


Board of Directors: Called to order @ 5:15 pm.


Brakken, Olson, Austin, LeBreck present. Lindgren excused


Minutes approval waived.


Treasurer’s report presented. CL moved. KA 2nd, carried.


Board-recommended slate: Bob Parsonage (SW), Bob Blaszkowski (NW) and Mike Gardner (N)

CL moved. KA 2nd, carried. Assuming the membership follows the Board’s recommendation, officers for upcoming year will be as follows: Brakken – President; LeBreck – VP; Austin – Secretary; Gardner – Treasurer. At-Large Directors are Parsonage and Blaszkowski.


Resolution requesting a $4,000 Lake Planning Education Grant from DNR was presented. If awarded, funds will cover 2009 newsletter, some website maintenance and hosting fee, training and travel to convention and conferences. CL moved. KA 2nd, carried.


A face-to-face BCLF BoD meeting will be called within the next couple of months. Items of discussion may include newsletter, membership, voting policy, dues, plus zoning issues.


Adjourned to Annual meeting at 5:30


Annual Meeting called to order @ 6:15.  The Namakagon Lake Association was thanked for acting as host for this meeting. The BCLF also wishes to express appreciation to the Delta Area Lakes Association and the Lake Owen Association for each contributing $50 toward the cost of food for this meeting.


Quorum was met with 12 lake groups represented in person and 5 by proxy.


Past minutes approved as posted. Treasurer’s report presented and accepted.: August ’07 balance: $1,968; Income in past year: $5,466; Expenses: $6,795; Present balance: $668.


Election: Board recommendation presented as above. No other nominations from floor. Ron Anderson, LOA, moved to close nominations and accept the slate. Blaszkowski 2nd, carried unanimously. Officers announced.

Nan Olson was presented with a certificate of appreciation for her contributions to the BCLF and our lakes.


Report on 2008 Education Grant: The $4,000 grant ($3,000 from State, $1,000 from BCLF) was used to upgrade our old Website, produce and mail the prototype newsletter, update our BCLF brochure and send many to training opportunities including the Wisconsin Lakes Convention, AIS and Clean Boats / Clean Waters workshops and the Northwest Lakes Conference. Over 40 from Bayfield County lakes who had never attended the Northwest Lakes Conference were introduced to the event via this grant. BCLF will apply for another similar grant for 2009.


Bill Porter, NLA, asked if the BCLF now offers individual membership. Brakken answered that we do. There is a form in the newsletter and on the website that shows the various levels of support, ranging from $5 for students, $10 for members, $50 for loon lovers, etc. to $1,000 for major donors. Individual Member benefits include being included in the e-mail list used when we give updates and important lake news alerts, extra newsletter mailings and the satisfaction of participating and supporting the effort to protect our waters.


Lee Wiesner, Barnes/ECL POA, asked if we were now 501 (c) (3) approved. He mentioned that when their group did this they received many more contributions. Brakken responded that Roger and Nancy Dreher were working on this and that we expect to have this done by the next annual meeting if not before.


President Brakken announced that the newsletter was very well received and resulted in several individual memberships and contributions including one in the amount of $700 from an individual who is concerned about our lakes and participates in the efforts to protect them.


It was also mentioned that the BCLF website, BayfieldCountyLakes.org, is quite comprehensive. It offers many of the key contacts that are important to waterfront owners and pages on issues affecting lakes. It also has a host of articles that can be easily pasted into member’s future newsletters.


Brakken pointed out that the BCLF is gaining some attention and influence. County offices have consulted w/ BCLF on issues, a coalition of regional countywide lake groups known as the Northwestern Wisconsin Waters Consortium has been formed and will assist with issues important to our region; Brakken was invited to participate in a conference called by DNR on AIS efforts. Brakken was one of about 15 from the northwest who met with DNR Secretary Matt Frank and Senator Bob Jauch along with about 10 other DNR staff. The meeting was productive and Secretary Frank pledged to return to continue the dialog.


Meeting was adjourned to a presentation made possible by the Woodduck Society (woodducksociety.com) on fostering broods of woodducks, proper house design and placement, videos of chicks on ‘jump day’ and more.


Door prizes were awarded prior to a presentation by Ingemar Ekstrom on the Tomahawk/Sandbar effort to curb EWM.


Submitted in absence of the Secretary by Jim Brakken

July 18, 2008



Other information in no particular order:


BCLF Directors are available to speak at your next meeting. E-mail BayfieldCountyLakes@yahoo.com to schedule. We also have extra newsletters and other items to hand out if you wish.


Do you need a ‘recognition’ gift for a deserving volunteer?  BCLF offers complimentary Individual Membership certificates. No charge. If your lake group needs a couple of certificates, send your e-mail request. These can also be used as a door prize.


As you know, the BCLF succeeded in achieving a ‘no aquatic plant transport’ ordinance in Bayfield County. Ours was the first county in the State to do this. We then encouraged our neighboring counties to follow suit. Polk, Burnett and Washburn did. Apparently this helped to inspire the State Legislature to do the same and Wisconsin now has a statewide no-transport law. BCLF will continue with our P-Free lawn food law, the 100’-from-undeveloped-shoreland’ regulation and other state-wide efforts to make our lakes safer and healthier.


On June 28th, Sybil Brakken, working as a CB/CW monitor, intercepted a boat carrying EWM as it tried to launch at Cable Lake. The plants were wound up inside the electric anchor housing. It is clear that landing monitors are needed if we want to keep our lakes EWM free. EWM can cause a 20% decrease in property value. More money for AIS grants has been made available by the Governor. If B C doesn’t get it, someone else will. BCLF can help with the application if you wish to apply for funds for a landing monitor.


We are continuing our effort to improve the shoreland zoning language. In particular, we are concerned about large lakeside campgrounds and multiple unit developments (MUDs). Both are highly desirable in the eyes of developers. They also can greatly increase the density of waterfront development. For example, during our peak summer months, a 100 unit campground could bring 400 or more transient campers to your lake. The following week, another 400 or more would take their place. MUDs would bring in less people but may have other impact on a lake.


The League of Conservation Voters will hold a listening session to help determine their effort for the upcoming year. BCLF will have a rep there to present some of the concerns of our area lake groups. Please let Jim Brakken [bayfieldcountylakes@yahoo.com] know if you wish to have BCLF express any concerns on behalf of your lake or group no later than August 1. Thanks.


The bylaws for the Northwest Wisconsin Waters Consortium (NWWC) will soon be complete. The BCLF was instrumental in creating this coalition and will be represented on the Board of Directors. As this group gains strength, so does your lake organization.


Please remember that the BCLF needs your financial support. We don’t require dues but we do have expenses. We encourage each lake organization to contribute. Most lakes pitch in between $100 and $200. Please put this on your agenda if you have not yet made your 2008 contribution. In return, your group can take credit for the work BCLF will be able to do on behalf of our lakes. Our strength lies in our numbers. We’ll do the work. Share in our strength.


Jim Brakken, President


Attendance-Jim Brakken-Carol LBreck-Jim Gardner -Bob Parsonage -Roger Dreher –

Karen Austin

Call to order-Jim Brakken-Motion to approve past minutes-Treasures report accepted .


MOTIONS-1. To continue Newsletter-one issue per year-moved Carol L.-second Mike G.

2. To approve budget-moved Bob P. second Mike G.

3.Resolution to increase penalty for second offence AIS Violations-get it to county for action-moved Carol L.-second Mike G.





1. Dues policy was tabled

2. Fireworks issues-Littering of Public Waters.

3.Decree all board members are members.

4.What to do if we do not get a grant?

5.Find out funding sources of Comp. Plan.

6.Bunk House Issues –Roger to forward proposals re:this to Karl and find out defination of Bunk House.

7.Ma and Pa resorts going condo -What can we do?

8.Adding individual lakes asociations to our Web Site-we are limited to 50 pages(?)

9.Fishing Tournament in Oct.  What are the rules?

10.Mike needs documentation to change signatures re:Treasurers duties.


Adjourn 3:55p


Submitted by ,    Karen Austin , Secretary





Attendance-Jim Brakken-Carol LBreck-Jim Gardner -Bob Parsonage -Roger Dreher –

Karen Austin

Call to order-Jim Brakken-Motion to approve past minutes-Treasures report accepted .


MOTIONS-1. To continue Newsletter-one issue per year-moved Carol L.-second Mike G.

2. To approve budget-moved Bob P. second Mike G.

3.Resolution to increase penalty for second offence AIS Violations-get it to county for action-moved Carol L.-second Mike G.





1. Dues policy was tabled

2. Fireworks issues-Littering of Public Waters.

3.Decree all board members are members.

4.What to do if we do not get a grant?

5.Find out funding sources of Comp. Plan.

6.Bunk House Issues –Roger to forward proposals re:this to Karl and find out defination of Bunk House.

7.Ma and Pa resorts going condo -What can we do?

8.Adding individual lakes asociations to our Web Site-we are limited to 50 pages(?)

9.Fishing Tournament in Oct.  What are the rules?

10.Mike needs documentation to change signatures re:Treasurers duties.


Adjourn 3:55p


Submitted by ,    Karen Austin , Secretary


BCLF BoD Minutes                 Jan 17, 2009                Crossroads, Drummond


1. Called to order @ 9. Brakken, LeBreck, Gardner attending. Blaszkowski, Parsonage, Austin excused. Quorum of 3 met per bylaws.

2. Agenda modified to set Annual Meeting time: Saturday, July 18, 8:30 a.m., Drummond Library. (Alternative dates and locations may be required depending on availability of space and schedule conflicts.)

3. Past minutes approved.

4. M&I Acct Balance $1,060.45. Checks to be deposited: $100 (DALA Member donation) $2,250 DNR 09 grant. Total on hand: $3,410.45. Grant budget reviewed. Treasurer’s report accepted.

5. Motion by MG to pay NW WI Waters Consortium dues of $20 plus a $20 contribution, CL 2nd. Carried.

6. BCLF Consortium meeting scheduled for Friday, Feb 13, NGLVC, 8:30 am:  Round table format. Tim Kane invited facilitator. Agenda will include 1. Welcome & introductions;  2. Very brief round of accomplishments followed by very brief round of issues/concerns. 3. Taking action: How do we collaborate to best address these issues? & What is the next step? 4. Bayfield Co Comprehensive Planning efforts and relationship to lake, stream and shoreland protection. 5. Other.

New invitees: Ruth Oppedahl, Co Board Supervisors, Tracy Ledger, Waldo Asp.

7. To meet DNR grant requirements, BCLF must charge min of $10 dues.  Bylaws require that members vote on dues changes. This item will appear on Annual Meeting agenda. If passed, all member organizations, all individual members will be required to pay a minimum of $10 per year membership dues. We will retain the present policy of recommending a minimum donation of $25 per vote. Deferred to Annual Meeting. Changes in voting policy tabled until we have input from Roger Dreher.

7.1 – 7.3  Newsletter article(s) will focus on recruitment of those lakes not yet represented. Indiv Member items will be repeated. Complimentary Indiv Memberships will be increased. All Consortium members will receive one on Feb 13. Comp memberships may be offered to potential business partners. MG will draft a plan for fundraising to include major donors, business partners, members, others. Lack of  501 (c) 3 status is an obstacle.

8. 08 Communications/Outreach grant summary: All paperwork in, check now due from DNR for $750.

9. 09 Communications/Outreach grant was approved for $3,000 from DNR plus $1,000 from BCLF. We will spend $370 on website, $2,060 on newsletter, $1,570 on Training and lake education services. We will also contribute a minimum of 200 volunteer hours. Brakkens will oversee website and newsletter work as last year.

Newsletter changes: strategic use of photos and white space, 12 pages rather than 8 including 4 full color rather than 2, no ads again this year, possible 2 page insert, color poster (possibly marked ‘please post’) faced w/ important information. Address list should include last year’s plus Self-help monitors from Bay Co, Lk Superior shoreland owners, others?  JB will inquire re: update on mail list per Zoning Dept. Mail in early April.

10. NL Content suggestions: Probable lead item: Fireworks (Resolution passed during this discussion MG moved, CL 2nd, Unanimous), a Lk Superior item, AIS issues and transport update, CB/CW, geese, fire safety, LLI, Kids’ corner, legislative issues update, revisions of some of the items in 08 newsletter, NWWWC issues and newsletter contest, threatening issues (power lines, jet-ski rallies, ATV campgrounds, AIS, all ‘coming to your lake soon!),  JB will contact Stefania Strzalkowska re: list of CB/CW grads in Bay Co., tournaments, schools and lakes and/or lake organizations helping schools re: lake ed, Canoes on Wheels, River Fest,  engaging kids on your lake, kids’ lake websites, ‘lake reports’-what’s new, relationship between property values, lake quality and tax base, other.

11. Carol, Jim, Roger will meet to discuss Zoning progress Feb 13, noon. Other Directors invited.

12. Bylaws need housekeeping by annual meeting. Dues, voting and some minor language clean-ups.

13. MG moved to adopt Fishing Tournament Resolution, CL 2nd. Unanimous.

14. BCLF policy on seaplanes discussed, no action. This may soon become an issue of statewide attention .

15. Nan Olson’s thank you note for assistance with the Lake Leader’s Institute was acknowledged. Nan provided a good newsletter article and photo.

16. BCLF not likely to attend Conservation Lobby Day this year. Will testify re: 100’ no-wake buffer bill.

17. Director Bob Blaszkowski will be contacted by JB re: due representation of the lakes in the Iron River area.

18. Next BCLF BoD meeting will be scheduled later for a warm day in May.   Adjourned at 1:30


Proposed phase-out plan for small toxic terminal tackle DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT     Jim Brakken


The Wisconsin Conservation Congress has approved the phase-out of toxic (lead) fishing tackle that is less than one inch and less than .5 ounce. Among the many reasons this phase-out is needed is the protection of our wildlife from lead poisoning.


Below is a proposal for a phase-out program. Lake associations, conservation clubs, scout and 4H groups, other clubs could be invited to assist in this effort to protect our wildlife and make our waters healthier. The participating groups and clubs will be asked to host free ‘toxic tackle swaps’ where sportsmen can trade in their lead sinkers and jigs for non-toxic substitutes. Funding from this may be able to come from the lake grant program if some adjustments are made in that program to accommodate this activity. (Note that this program starts with education 10 to 12 ‘trial’ lakes, then expands to most WI ‘nesting’ lakes, then to all WI waters.)