Bayfield County Lakes Forum – 2017 Annual Meeting
Bayfield County Lakes Forum – Annual Meeting, Oct 7, 2017
The regular meeting of the Bayfield County Lakes Forum – Annual Meeting was called to order at 10:00am on Oct 7, 2017 at the Drummond Community Room by Ellen LaFans-BCLF Treasurer.
10:00 am Welcome
Suspension of Roberts Rule of Order
-Reading and Approval of Minutes
-Treasurer Report Approved – Current Balance of $865.19
Mary Dougherty speaker – Bayfield County CAFO Update.
-Organizations – Farms Not Factories, Socially Responsible Agriculture Project.
-Bayfield County CAFO – “Badgerwood Farms” a farrowing operation with 26,000 hogs with Manure holding tanks adjacent to Fish Creek.
-Development of Operation Ordinances placement and setting limits on what can be done to protect S Fish Creek with manure storage management.
State Sen. Dis. 25 Janet Bewley also spoke regarding local control.
-The question asked: “Who are you, what do you value and how do you protect it.”
-Local control, Public Health & Safety Ordinances in place first.
-A motion by Ted Eastlund, 2nd by Jim Brakken for BCLF to approve a Resolution of the Bayfield CLF regarding CAFOs.
Unanimously approved.
Upcoming action by county courts: October 16th @ 1:00 The oral arguments for the South Fish Creek Manure Management and Storage Ordinance at the Bayfield County courthouse in Washburn. Judge John Anderson will be presiding.
10:45am Bayfield County Zoning issues discussed:
John Richter from Wisconsin Shoreline Initiative
– Act 55 and its removal of local control over shoreline development.
– Shallow Water Habitat Regulations.
– Single Family Housing Rentals.
Jennifer Croonberg-Murphy – Assistant Zoning Administrator (North)
Explanation of Act 55, Act 167, Act 391
Zoning changes in 1 and 2 sided averaging.
Kim Bro – Calling for County Board to look amendments both past and present.
Bluff and Bank setbacks. Called for BCLF to have a committee (Ellen LaFans, Tim Kane), to address Shore land and General ordinances.
Jeff Silbert – Bayfield County Board Supervisor – Hydrological Atlas in the works, public input is critical.
Kim Bro nominated Ellen LaFans to head up a committee on zoning issues. Jim Brakken 2nd the motion with a friendly amendment to have Kim Bro on said committee.
Motions Approved.
11:40 Ted Eastlund – Proposed Wetland Bill LRB-4115/1 & LRB-4410/1
Wetland proposals to exempt developers from wetland development regulations on non-Federal Lands.
11:45 Election of BCLF Board Members
Ellen LaFans, Jim Brakken, Roger Dreher
Trish Bantle, Beth Kolling at large. Possibly John Lang.
Board appointments forthcoming. Motions Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 12:10 .
Minutes submitted by James Brakken, Secretary pro-temp