Contributions to BCLF
Consider what the BCLF has accomplished. Now imagine what more we could do with the support of every individual, business and organization that enjoys and values our lakes, streams and shorelands!
Organizations are asked to annually contribute $25 for each vote they have at BCLF meetings. The list is below. If your lake is not listed, it has 3 votes.
IMPORTANT: We understand some associations might have unique budgetary conditions. We ask that you give only what you can afford. But, please, do not give less than you can afford. Your contribution will protect property values and help us keep our lakes clean, safe, and healthy for future generations. Please make this an annual item on your lake association agenda.
Choose a category and mail a check along with your name, address and email address to:
Ellen Lafans
BCLF Treasurer
20325 SW Crystal Lane
Cable, WI 54821
You can help BCLF develop our direction and agenda by including your two key concerns or issues with your contribution.
Dear Friends of Bayfield County’s lakes, streams and shorelands:
When you support one of northern Wisconsin’s most influential surface water advocacy organizations, you’ve got something that most others don’t: Strength.
The Bayfield County Lakes Forum, an affiliate member of the Wisconsin Association of Lakes, has clearly demonstrated that it can fight successfully for better local, county and statewide regulations and policies to protect and preserve our shorelands and waters.
We also educate everyone we can about the issues facing our waters from vacationers to seasonal and permanent residents, from law makers to law breakers. Our Northwest Lakes Conference has grown to become the best summer lake event in the Midwest. Plus, we have kept it right here in our county and have even offered to help folks pay for their tickets! Learn about the Northwest Lakes Conference.
There’s good reason why Wisconsin Representative Gary Sherman recently nominated us for the Wisconsin Stewardship award. He and many others know what we do on behalf of our waters. Consider what we have done. Now imagine what more we could do with the support of every individual, business and organization that enjoys and values our lakes, streams and shorelands!
We need your support. With your help we can do much more to protect and preserve our waters for you and your descendants for generations to come.
Choose one of the following support categories then send your tax-deductible contribution today. As a Forum member, you will receive email updates on lake issues, our BCLF newsletter, voting privileges and the satisfaction of knowing you protect our waters.
Share in our strength. Turn your concern about our waters into the power to preserve them. Thank you for helping us keep our lakes and streams clean, safe and healthy for everyone.
Jim Brakken, Past-president
Bayfield County Lakes Forum