
Your BCLF helps educate shoreland owners, seasonal visitors and vacationers about the need to preserve and protect our precious lake resources. Our recent education grant helps us accomplish this by updating and enhancing this website, publishing a county-wide lakes newsletter and offering complimentary registrations for lake education events.

This year will mark the 10th annual Northwest Wisconsin Lake Conference. The Forum has been a key player within the Planning Committee of the Northwest Lakes Conference since 2000. The NWLC was originally planned and produced only by the BCLF. Today, the Forum partners with WAL, Extension, and four other countywide lake groups to produce this very successful event. Governor Doyle has attended several times and legislators from northwestern Wisconsin are regular attendees.

In addition to many other great NWLC sessions they will offer, the Forum has locked in a special, two-hour spectacular presentation by Warren Nelson and the Big Top Chautauqua crew. This Forum-inspired Northwestern Wisconsin Lakes Conference usually brings together between 200 and 300 lake leaders each year and is the best summer lake conference in the Midwes.

The BCLF will publish a countywide lakes newsletter in 2008 that will be delivered free to every shoreland owner in the county. It will include info from DNR, UWEX and WAL.

The Forum works closely with the Bayfield County Zoning Department to create shoreland zoning regulations that are effective in protecting lakes. Campground regulations and multiple unit development language have been improved in the past year due to the Bayfield County Lakes Forum. We help distribute this important information through our Shoreland Friends packet. It's a great tool to give to new shoreland owners.

The BCLF frequently submits lake news items to local, regional and statewide media outlets. BCLF Directors also work with local reporters to keep shoreland owners and lake users up to date on water issues. Directors also submit articles to the Wisconsin Association of Lakes newsletter.

The Forum’s 2007 VHS workshop attracted many shoreland owners, sportsmen and others. VHS can kill up to 80% of a lake's fishery and cripple the local economy. We will offer more free VHS workshops in the future to keep you informed.

The BCLF keeps lake associations and individuals aware of the activities of the Wisconsin Association of Lakes and encourages membership through the use of email, their website and other means. We educate members about state grant programs for lake management and monitoring activities and assists members seeking these grants. The Forum also maintains a list of lake organizations and contacts and communicates with them regarding issues affecting lakes.

To help educate shoreland owners about changes in the zoning regulations, the Bayfield County Lakes Forum partnered with the Bayfield County League of Women Voters to host three listening sessions in the county. The events were very successful, attracted many participants, and were closely covered by the media.

The BCLF frequently appears at public hearings and provides input on lake issues. We have successfully arranged lobbying events that have dramatically swayed local government decisions.

The Forum coordinates education activities relating to lakes with county government, town boards, UWEX, and other groups who are involved with lake programs.  We provide volunteer resources to assist these agencies and organizations in accomplishing their work.

The BCLF will continue its multi-faceted approach to protecting our surface waters so future generations will be able to enjoy clean, safe and healthy Bayfield County lakes and streams.