The Bayfield County Lakes Forum works to preserve and enhance the scenic, natural, recreational and economic values of Bayfield County lakes, streams and shorelands.

BCLF will accomplish the mission by the following programs and actions:

Establish and maintain effective working relationships with town, county and state agencies and governing bodies whose actions affect lakes, streams and shorelands.

a. Work with the Zoning Committee and Zoning Department on revisions to the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance.

b. Participate in planning and executing aquatic invasive species infestation prevention and control efforts as a member of the Northern Cooperative Weed Management Area and working with the Bayfield County AIS Coordinator and lake groups.

c. Establish and attend regular meetings to review and discuss water and shoreland issues. Attendees will include representatives of the following agencies: BCLF, zoning department, tourism department, ADBI land conservation department, WI DNR, UWEX CES and Basin Educator, GLIFWC, County Board of Supervisors.

d. Attend and testify in person or in writing at public hearings before the Zoning Committee and the Board of Adjustment.

e. Support budgetary actions which enhance the capacity of county and town governments to address water issues.

f. Be an affiliate member of Wisconsin Association of Lakes.

g. Communicate regularly with other NW Wisconsin county lake organizations to share ideas and seek and offer advice.

Sponsor, plan and present educational programs and workshops. Dissemintate water related information to members and the public.

a. Sponsor and participate in planning the annual Northwest Wisconsin Lakes Conference.

b. Promote lake group and individual membership in Wisconsin Association of Lakes to make WAL services and communications available.

c. Promote subscription to Lake Tides.

d. Include representatives of BCLF members on working committees and in education program planning and presentation.

e. Present workshops on topics of concern in Bayfield County.

f. Appear at lake organization meetings to share information and discuss the needs of these groups in which BCLF may be of assistance.

g. Provide links to other educational resources through the BCLF website.

h. Attend workshops and conferences to build knowledge and understanding of water issues, organization skills, advocacy and technology.

Promote formation of lake organizations and assist them in becoming effective representatives of the lake shore property owners and public users of the water body.

a. Contact lake representatives when problems or issues arise to encourage them to organize

b. Provide guidance on setting up and operating lake organizations by holding workshops, distributing tool kits, and by referral to other resources.

c. Write letters of support for lake group and government agency grant applications.

d. Encourage lake groups to send representatives to regional and state conferences.

e. Publicize the activities and accomplishments of lake groups in local media and on the BCLF website.

f. Provide referrals to expert resources (legal, fisheries, aquatic plants, grant writing, etc.) which may be required to deal with specific problems and issues.

Develop and maintain means for regular and ad hoc communications from, to and between BCLF and its members.

a. Construct and maintain an individual and group contact information database.

b. Establish and maintain the BCLF website: bayfieldcountylakes.org.

c. Publish a newsletter which may be distributed electronically or in print.

d. Send or forward information by email regarding special events, public hearings, and alerts.

e.Conduct at least one meeting of BCLF members per year.

f. Develop a brochure describing BCLF and its programs and accomplishments

BCLF's Goals

As an infant organization, BCLF is just forming its short and long term vision of how it can best achieve the goals defined in our Mission Statement. Our goals include:

  • Provide assistance to lake groups wishing to form lake associations.
  • Make existing lake associations aware of the activities of the Wisconsin Association of Lakes and encourage them to become members.
  • Establish a list of all lake contacts and initiate regular communications on issues of mutual interest. Make the list available to all BCLF members.
  • Actively support the NW Lakes Conference.
  • Attend the Wisconsin Lakes Convention. Participate in discussions with other county associations, UWEX, WAL & DNR, to better define how county associations can participate in lake protection and improvement programs.
  • Educate members about Adopt-A-Lake and state grant programs for lake management and monitoring activities. Assist members seeking grants for these purposes.
  • Work with Bayfield County to provide the best protection of all shoreland property values by clarifying and strengthening our shoreland zoning regulations.